Meet the Team

  • Rob Cox

    Director, Chief

    Chief Nij-Pajikwat-Mo`z (Chief Two Running Elk), aka Robert Cox, is a steward committed to the conservation of the lands. He is Director for The Indigenous Healing Plant and Botanical Farm in Westport, MA and manages the Wainer Woods LLC. Rob is a descendant of the historic Cuffe/Wainer family and is one of the great nephews of Paul Cuffe of Cuttyhunk and Westport. He is a veteran of The Boston Fire Department and full-time member of the Eastern Medicine Singers where he enjoys singing and drumming to keep indigenous culture alive.

  • George Wortham, Jr.

    Family Historian

    I was born and raised both in New Bedford and also at my 3rd great grandfathers’ farm in Westport. Capt Michael Wainer was my 4th great grandfather and Mary Slocum Cuffe (Paul Cuffe's sister) was my 4th great grandmother.

    I'm a machinist by trade and an engineer by training. I started working for the Bell System in 1969 in Manhattan, NY. I saw the ticker-tape parade for the moon landing and the 1st twin tower finished. I transferred back to MA as a factory engineer (best job ever) in 1973.

    I know that I was assigned a mission from the ancestors and I started collecting their stories, including copies of deeds, cemetery locations, family member names, and relationships since 1980 to pass on to the next generation. It feels like I'm just scratching the surface of the Wainer story.

  • Merri Cyr

    Art & Culture Curator, Media Director, IT

    Since the early 90’s, Merri has earned her living as a commercial photographer in NYC, working for such companies as Apple, Sony, Polygram and Rolling Stone. She returned home to Westport MA in 2019 after earning her MFA at U Mass. Her post grad digital art works were scouted by Google for their new building in Cambridge, MA in 2023 and she was commissioned to make four works. She also curated the Westport Artist in Residence Program at Wesport Land Conservation Trust for five years and sourced artists for month long residencies along with facilitating many other art and culture projects in Westport.


  • Pocasset Pokanoket Land Trust

    The Pocasset Pokanoket Land Trust (PPLT) is a tribally-led non-profit dedicated to reconnecting communities of American Indian tribes, clans, Urban Indians, and indigenous people across the Northeast. We embody an American Indian cosmology that holds Mother Earth and all living beings with deep reverence. As mindful caretakers of the land for all future generations, we teach our decedents to honor the connection to Earth, Sky, and to the Creator.

  • Freed Seed Federation

    Our mission is simple: to fortify regional food resilience from the level of the seed. With our focus on the Northeast US, we join a global network of local efforts to adapt seeds to changing climate; and keep seeds in the public domain, free of private ownership.

  • Westport Land Conservation Trust

    The Westport Land Conservation Trust is a non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable corporation with a mission to: Acquire and preserve natural resources, farmland and wildlife areas for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations to preserve and protect historic sites , to educate the public about the wise use of natural resources and to work with other organizations having similar purpose. As one of the last surviving coastal farming communities in Massachusetts, Westport has a unique variety of landscapes, from the East and West Branches of the Westport River to neighboring farmlands, quiet woodlands, pristine beaches, and fertile marshes.

  • Round The Bend

    Round the Bend Farm (RTB), a Center for Restorative Community, located in Dartmouth, Massachusetts is a working farm and educational non-profit. We are a living laboratory that cultivates, educates, and empowers people of all ages. We are devoted to the global paradigm shift toward hope and abundance by valuing diversity, modeling nature, and redefining wealth.

  • New Bedford Whaling Museum

    The New Bedford Whaling Museum ignites learning through explorations of art, history, science and culture rooted in the stories of people, the region and an international seaport. Anchored in the story of New Bedford’s whaling industry, the New Bedford Whaling Museum documents and shares the diverse stories of this vibrant maritime region and its people, both bygone and current.

  • Paul Cuffe

    This website is dedicated to documenting current and ongoing research about the lives of Cuff Slocum, Paul Cuffe, Michael Wainer, and their descendants and associates. During the 18th and 19th centuries, the Westport/Dartmouth/New Bedford area was home to three remarkable families of African and Native American heritage. In an era when slavery was still prevalent in both the South and North and Native Americans were being driven from their homelands, these families provided living testimony to the potentials of the human spirit across all peoples.