Chief Rob Gets 3d Scanned For Sculpture at Wainer Woods
Chief Rob 3d scan
On Monday January 13th, 2025, Chief Rob met with a 3D scan technician named Troy from the company Form XYZ at the Marriot Hotel near Logan. Troy had just arrived from his Oregon located art and sculpture facility to 3D scan Chief Rob in full Wampanoag regalia. Troy had rented a larger suite so he would have enough room to do a full body 3D scan of Chief Rob and be able to move around him in circular fashion with the fast blinking strobe light flashing enough brilliance to illuminate the three dimensional subject. This scan will be used as a basic digital image to ultimately form a larger than life bronze for Wainer Woods. This monument will be an homage to both Michael Wainer and Paul Cuffe, two under recognized historical people of color from Westport who accomplished so much in their life times.
Having the scan created is just the first step in the long process of fabricating a bronze monument. Chief Rob held still for two separate poses, one standing and one sitting. I think he may have a preference for the sitting pose, but he still needs to see the full 3d renditions of the scans before he decides on the final.
The monument will be placed in a small park and sitting area within Wainer Woods surrounded by Native botanicals. The Chiefs outfit for the monument was chosen by him and features authentic Wampanoag regalia. Each object on the Chiefs body has significance to him and his clan.
When the monument is finished, we will have augmented reality components curated so the viewer will be able to see digitally created works using their smart phone or I Pad for an enhanced Wampanoag Art Experience.